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President's Letter

CVFOA President - Joe Tufaro

Dear Members, 


First, let me acknowledge the passing of long time official Mr. Tom Bonnett. Tom was a dedicated, knowledgeable, and passionate football official. He was also a good friend to many of us through the years. Although not perfect, as none of us are, Tom always sought out the information behind the rule, and how it applied to situations. Even if it proved him incorrect in his interpretation, he wanted to know the correct answer. 


We will serve this year in his memory and dedicate the season to him. 


We have an exciting season ahead of us with many changes. Rule changes, coaching changes, and educational and training changes. You will notice immediately the changes to the Summer Study Guide and test. Mechanics will remain the focus of this unit as always, but more than ever we will all need to be aware of rule changes regarding penalty enforcements. 


We have 4 new coaches at some of our more prominent programs. A great chance to build new relationships based on knowledge and respect. Know your rules and mechanics, be confident in your knowledge, have a presence on the field, and be respectful and firm when necessary. This is a good season for everyone to re-dedicate themselves and continue a tradition of strong officiating. 


We welcome all the new officials and promise our best efforts to incorporate you into our association. 


Warm regards.


Joe Tufaro

President CVFOA

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